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Mike Greene is the President of Message Makers, LLC. Mr. Greene has consulted in management, quality, and communications for Arvida, Disney, Robintech, and North American Philips. He has taught strategic planning to Pratt & Whitney and 3I Corporation. He has created commercials and documentaries for organizations such as JK Harris & Company, Florida Atlantic University CUES, Imperial Majesty Cruise Lines, The Bonnet House, Mardi Gras Casino, Enterprise Florida, and Broward Housing Partnership.

Mike was Chairman & CEO of Last Minute Productions., Classic Video Theatre, Chrysalid, Inc., Video Dynamics Corporation and Greene, Hollister, Inc. He was Vice President and Chief Financial Officer for BRT Video, and Director of Operations and Programming for Gulfstream Broadcasting and the Amaturo Group.

He is past Chairman of the Broward Film and Television Commission and the Broward Alliance Creative Economy Task Force. He served on the Steering Committee of Broward’s 2020 Art and Culture Vision, and the Boards of Directors of The South Florida Economic Foundation, The Governors Quality Coalition, Junior Achievement, Broward Days, The Broward Alliance, and The North Broward Hospital Cancer Center. He was Co-Chair of the Creative Industries Task Force of Vision Broward, the County’s planning process for the year 2025.